javascript sinon stub stubs tdd test-driven-development test-spies unit-testing
Last synced: about 1 month ago
Repository metadata:
Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: sinonjs
- License: other
- Created: 2010-06-29T21:15:32.000Z (over 14 years ago)
- Default Branch: main
- Last Pushed: 2024-10-31T06:13:44.000Z (about 2 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-05T19:44:48.345Z (about 2 months ago)
- Topics: javascript, sinon, stub, stubs, tdd, test-driven-development, test-spies, unit-testing
- Language: JavaScript
- Homepage:
- Size: 41.7 MB
- Stars: 9,659
- Watchers: 92
- Forks: 771
- Open Issues: 37
Metadata Files:
- Readme:
- Changelog:
- Contributing:
- Funding: .github/FUNDING.yml
- License: LICENSE
- Code of conduct:
- Github: sinonjs
- Open collective: sinon
- Funding Links:
Owner metadata:
- Name: Sinon.JS
- Login: sinonjs
- Email: [email protected]
- Kind: organization
- Description: Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
- Website:
- Location:
- Twitter:
- Company:
- Icon url:
- Repositories: 17
- Last Synced at: 2024-04-14T06:39:46.767Z
- Profile URL:
- Sponsor URL:
Committers metadata
Last synced: about 1 month ago
Total Commits: 3,079
Total Committers: 417
Avg Commits per committer: 7.384
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.719
Commits in past year: 54
Committers in past year: 7
Avg Commits per committer in past year: 7.714
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in past year: 0.333
Name | Commits | |
Morgan Roderick | m****n@r****k | 866 |
Carl-Erik Kopseng | c****k@g****m | 469 |
Christian Johansen | c****n@c****o | 410 |
Maximilian Antoni | m****l@m****e | 193 |
Phred | f****e@g****m | 102 |
Jonny Reeves | g****b@j****k | 65 |
dependabot[bot] | 4****] | 50 |
lucasfcosta | f****s@g****m | 48 |
dependabot-preview[bot] | 2****] | 44 |
ben hockey | n****t@g****m | 32 |
Tim Fischbach | m****l@t****e | 14 |
Tim Perry | p****y@g****m | 14 |
takasmiley | t****y@l****p | 14 |
Håvard Wormdal Høiby | h****y@g****m | 12 |
Joel Bradshaw | j****l@c****m | 12 |
Piotr Jamroz | p****z@i****m | 11 |
Tim Ruffles | t****s@g****m | 11 |
Jonathan Sokolowski | j****i@g****m | 10 |
Morgan Roderick | 2****k | 9 |
Domenic Denicola | d****c@d****m | 9 |
Andreas Lind | a****s@o****m | 9 |
William Sears | M****U@g****m | 8 |
Tim Ruffles | t****r@p****m | 8 |
Dominykas Blyžė | h****o@d****m | 7 |
Marc Redemske | m****e@g****m | 7 |
Mikhail Gusarov | m****l@h****g | 7 |
Felix Geisendörfer | f****x@d****m | 7 |
kpdecker | k****r@g****m | 6 |
Bryan Donovan | b****o@g****m | 6 |
Martin Sander | f****e@u****e | 5 |
and 387 more... |
Issue and Pull Request metadata
Last synced: about 1 month ago
Package metadata
- Total packages: 4
Total downloads:
- npm: 25,097,479 last-month
- Total docker downloads: 2,856,543,784
- Total dependent packages: 70,721 (may contain duplicates)
- Total dependent repositories: 372,406 (may contain duplicates)
- Total versions: 418
- Total maintainers: 4
npm: sinon
JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
- Homepage:
- Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- Latest release: 18.0.0 (published 7 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-10T22:04:58.870Z (about 1 month ago)
- Versions: 208
- Dependent Packages: 70,717
- Dependent Repositories: 372,404
- Downloads: 25,097,479 Last month
- Docker Downloads: 2,856,543,784
- Dependent packages count: 0.001%
- Docker downloads count: 0.044%
- Downloads: 0.053%
- Dependent repos count: 0.059%
- Average: 0.419%
- Stargazers count: 1.046%
- Forks count: 1.313%
- Maintainers (4)
- type: opencollective
- url:
- Homepage:
- Documentation:
- Licenses: other
- Latest release: v18.0.0+incompatible (published 7 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-10T22:04:59.356Z (about 1 month ago)
- Versions: 193
- Dependent Packages: 0
- Dependent Repositories: 2
- Stargazers count: 0.658%
- Forks count: 0.956%
- Dependent repos count: 3.504%
- Average: 3.673%
- Dependent packages count: 9.576%
maven: org.webjars.bower:sinon
WebJar for sinon
- Homepage:
- Documentation:
- Licenses: BSD 3-Clause
- Latest release: 1.17.7 (published almost 8 years ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-10T22:04:56.812Z (about 1 month ago)
- Versions: 4
- Dependent Packages: 0
- Dependent Repositories: 0
- Stargazers count: 2.475%
- Forks count: 4.972%
- Average: 22.072%
- Dependent repos count: 31.98%
- Dependent packages count: 48.86%
maven: org.webjars.npm:sinon
WebJar for sinon
- Homepage:
- Documentation:
- Licenses: BSD-3-Clause
- Latest release: 11.1.2 (published 8 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-10T22:04:57.684Z (about 1 month ago)
- Versions: 13
- Dependent Packages: 4
- Dependent Repositories: 0
- Dependent packages count: 13.421%
- Average: 22.7%
- Dependent repos count: 31.98%
- eslint ^7.21.0 development
- @fatso83/mini-mocha latest
- @sinonjs/referee latest
- bluebird latest
- jquery latest
- jsdom latest
- pubsub-js latest
- sinon latest
- 678 dependencies
- @babel/core ^7.16.12 development
- @sinonjs/eslint-config ^4.0.5 development
- @sinonjs/eslint-plugin-no-prototype-methods ^0.1.1 development
- @sinonjs/referee ^9.1.1 development
- @studio/changes ^2.2.0 development
- babel-plugin-istanbul ^6.1.1 development
- babelify ^10.0.0 development
- browserify ^16.5.2 development
- debug ^4.3.1 development
- dependency-check ^4.1.0 development
- husky ^6.0.0 development
- lint-staged ^12.3.2 development
- mocha ^9.2.0 development
- mochify ^9.1.0 development
- nyc ^15.1.0 development
- prettier ^2.5.1 development
- proxyquire ^2.1.3 development
- proxyquire-universal ^3.0.1 development
- proxyquireify ^3.2.1 development
- puppeteer ^13.1.2 development
- rimraf ^3.0.2 development
- semver ^7.3.5 development
- shelljs ^0.8.4 development
- unimported ^1.20.0 development
- @sinonjs/commons ^1.8.3
- @sinonjs/fake-timers ^9.1.2
- @sinonjs/samsam ^6.1.1
- diff ^5.0.0
- nise ^5.1.1
- supports-color ^7.2.0
- github-pages >= 0 development
- jekyll ~> 3.7
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- concurrent-ruby 1.1.7
- dnsruby 1.61.5
- em-websocket 0.5.2
- ethon 0.12.0
- eventmachine 1.2.7
- execjs 2.7.0
- faraday 1.3.0
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